Teraken Corporation
- Location: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Industry: Consumer Services(Restaurant)
- Business: Operation of Izakaya "Sakura Suisan" etc.
- URL: http://www.teraken.co.jp/teraken/index.html

Investment Overview
Investment timing: 2015/1
Exit timing: 2019/5
Deal type: Business Succession
Fund: AG I
Status: Exit
Investment Background / Post-Investment Activities
Investment Background
Teraken is a pioneer in the seafood izakaya (Japanese style bar) chain market, operating restaurants under the “Sakura Suisan” brand in the Tokyo metropolitan area, which is well known for their “inexpensive and tasty” food. In response to the owner’s business succession needs, Aspirant Group invested in the company with the themes of management team building and improving profitability.
Post-Investment Activities
Development of Infrastructure
- Development of an accounting management system
- Design/management of meeting structure
- Development of Corporate Infrastructure (Building a HR system and improving the working environment)
- Reallocation of Management Resources (Scrap-and-build of restaurants)
- Improvement in Productivity – Cost reductions (Improvement of efficiency of logistics operations)
- Pricing Strategy (Implementation of appropriate pricing of menus)
Support for Growth
- Sales Support/Sales Channel Expansion, etc. (Opening of new style of restaurants)
In 2019, the company became a subsidiary of Umenohana, a food service company, as Teraken met the company’s needs for expansion of business platform/synergies amongst restaurants.